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The Importance Of A Good Guitar Teacher

The guitar is probably the most beautiful musical instrument ever, for sure the most versatile and complete. For these reasons there a several ways of playing it and several different ways of teaching it. As you can imagine not all of them, both in terms of rendition of a music and ease of learning, are effective at the same level. Even if it is wrong saying that there are good and wrong ways to approach the art of guitar, we can certainly assure that there are learning paths much more enjoyable, fruitful and safe from the danger of bad posture techniques than others.

Unfortunately there are so many guitar teachers lacking in terms of experience and knowledge on the subject. Very often the belief is that strumming few chords is enough to be considered a good guitarist and as a consequence a good teacher, but unfortunately this is not the reality. It is as if you were considered a good driver for the simple fact that you own a Ferrari and go around 50 km/h doing shopping in the city. Probably you are really wealthy and you have a good taste in terms of sport cars but this doesn’t make you a new Michael Schumacher.

playing the guitar

Good Guitarist…  Good Guitar Teacher?

Being a good guitarist means not only being able to master the technique of the instrument in all its possibilities but also being able to bend your playing to the needs that every different music demands, in order to get the most out of the instrument in terms of rendition and playability.At the same time being a good guitarist doesn’t automatically make you a good guitar teacher. To be a good teacher you need not only to have the knowledge and the technical skills, but also the ability to create a friendly and trustworthy relationship with the student and last but not least the capacity of putting yourself in place of the student himself. Only considering the student as unique in terms of personality and capabilities will allow both the teacher and the student to get the most out from the instrument.

Too many students quit the learning process just after few classical guitar lessons, exactly as many others quit the dream of learning the fingerstyle technique on the acoustic or electric guitar. Very often they blame themselves for the lack of technical prowess or for not being completely committed. For sure, learning the guitar it is a matter of passion, dedication and skills but too often the reason for the failure has to be ascribed at least partially to the incompetence of the teacher or the inadequacy of the music school.

For all these reasons at the Fingerstyle & Classical Guitar Studio in Perth we are going to provide you with very high quality guitar teaching both in fingerstyle and classical technique and, as a consequence, with extremely high chances of success in the pursuit of your guitar dream. With almost 30 years of performing and continuous research about technique improvements you can be tutored in the best way possible, according to your personal needs as human being, both psychologically and in terms of physical skills.

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