The final goal of any musician should be expressing himself through the music by mean of his personal interpretations of it or, even better, by performing his own original material. A new composition shouldn’t necessarily be a song including melody and lyrics, but it could simply be an istrumental piece. We can confirm by experience that there is nothing as fullfilling and satisfactory as the process involved in the creation of a new song obtained by the development of songwriting ideas. Everything, starting from the melody to the songwriting lyrics, passing through the music arrangements and the choice of the title, represents an exciting step along the journey into the world of inspiration and creativity. In this sense the experience of freedom we can get by exploring the music and all its tools is simply unique and irreplaceable.
There is no need to say that developing the necessary skills to compose and write a song in a professional way can take years, but for sure natural talent and cultural back ground can deeply influence the process.
All the technical tools the music theory has to offers are incredibly powerful to get deep into whatever existing song we want to analyse. In such a way we can broaden our music horizons and we can easily find the right inspiration which underlies the creation of any new original composition. Moreover songwriting workshops, songwriting techniques, songwriting courses and all kind of songwriting tips are more than useful to increase experience.
Day by day the musician who amis to become a songwriter should learn to listen to the music not only from a purely aesthetic point of view, as the normal listener does, but primarily from a more technical point of you. Being able to immediately understand the structure of a song and the way the melody and the arrangement assist the lyrics in the conveyance of the message, represents the first important insight into the songwriting process. From a theoretical point view this is a dimension where, apart from some basic music rules about harmony and composition, the composer is completely free to experiment whatever he thinks can be worthy. This doesn’t mean that any melodic composition or any harmonic solution will be musically nice and captivating, on the contrary, just very few of them will. This is where the ability of the songwriter has to make the difference. For this reason a mix of experience, music knowlegde and a good amount of taste is the perfect recipe to succeed in the creation of a composition potentially successful.
We can’t expect to achieve the desired result in a short period of time or just after few attempts. The path towards the complete consciousness of their own means is very often marked by difficulties and mistakes, but in any case these possible situations should be considered a failure. The learning process itself is based on the continuos correction of mistakes, without mistakes there wouldn’t be any learning process at all. According to this point of view every single attempt, indipendently form the goodness of the final result, is a little step towards the final success. Here at the Fingerstyle & Classical Guitar Studio, thanks to the experience given by the creation of more than 250 original songs, we can easily assist you in developing your own songwriting technique, in order to shape all your original ideas in a captivating and interesting way.