As soon as I started my musical adventure with this beautiful instrument, almost 30 years ago, I immediately understood that it would have been an extraordinary important part of my life. At that time I couldn’t even image how much time and sweat I had to spend on it to get to the level I am now, but that was just a little sacrifice compared to what this instrument can give back to you.
And at the same time I could have never imagined that I would have made of playing and teaching music my job, and even more incredible on the other side of the world. I have always been a kid with the head on his shoulders and the idea of leaving the city where I grew up for a place so far and so different had never even touched my brain… but here we are, in this beautiful country named Australia, where luckily so many people still love music.
And so, what better way to share this passion than creating a place utterly dedicated to the study and teaching of the guitar? A place completely apart from the stress and the noise of the modern life style? It took a bit of time, particularly to find the right place and to refine the skills to be a good musician first, at least I hope so, and then a good teacher also, as many of students tell me. These are the reasons why if you love music, and the guitar in particular, the Fingerstyle & Classical Guitar Studio in Perth is the right place to learn how to properly play it and to completely fall in love with. I hope to see you soon!