Here at Fingerstyle & Classical Guitar Studio in Perth we keep in high consideration any aspect related to the learning process and to the instrument playing technique. Thanks to several years of experience in several different guitar ambits, we can even offer a high level of specialization on many specific areas directly related to the instrument.
Fingerstyle & Classical Guitar
Two beautiful and at the same time extremely different worlds related to the guitar. With our experience in both fields we can guide you safely along whatever guitar path you will choose to follow, in order to get out the most of the instrument according to your skills ad your inclinations.
Getting Rid Of Bad Guitar Habits
Thanks to several years experience on the subject we will help you to get free of all the bad playing habits and wrong postures which inevitably affect the quality of your playing. In this way you will have the chance not only to improve your technique, but also to bring it at the next level.
Anchoring Guitar Technique
You will have the chance to learn and develop this quite difficult but extremely effective technique in a correct way and in accordance with your physical skills. All the years we spent researching and perfecting this technique, and the floating one too, will represent a strong warranty of success without the risk of wrong learning or bad teachings.
Floating Guitar Technique
This is the typical and most common guitar technique amongst guitarists around the world. It is also represents the safest starting point for any kind of further fingerstyle technique learning path, and this is the reason why it is essential that each of our students learn correctly the foundations of it.
Technique Improvements
The factors involved in the playing process are numerous and all of them can potentially affect the technicality and the overall quality of the playing process itself. Thanks to our extensive experience we can help you to improve every single aspects of the technique in order to bring your playing to the next level.
Guitar Teaching Method
The method of teaching is absolutely essential for the success of the student. Our phylosophy is based on the idea of maximise the natural skills every students presents by adapting the teaching method on his leraning needs. We had so many times the chance to verify that this the best and the safest way to fast and durable success.
Guitar Theory
To become an accomplished guitarist it is absolutely essential to develop a complete knowledge of the music theory. This is the reason why the student will not only learn how to properly play the guitar, but he will progressively get familiar with all the several theoretical aspects related to the instrument.
Reading Sheet Music
Being able to properly read music is probably the most important skill related to the theoretical part of the learning process. The reason is quite simple to understand, reading music means freedom of playing whatever desired piece of music without any effort and waste of time. This is the reason why all our students will progressively develop this absolutely essential skill.
Ear Training
In order to perform correctly and effectively any kind of music it is essential to develop a good ear in term of timing and general music awareness. This is the reason why we give so much importance to all the exercises specifically designed to improve all the ear skills.